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Purchasing RiyazStudio - what are the options?
  • Once you've downloaded and installed RiyazStudio, you need to purchase a keycode to get it playing.

    Purchase initial registration keycode or upgrade existing keycode for:
    with a 30-day money back guarantee
  • Hardly ever necessary these days - but if you have a slow internet connection or you'd like to present RiyazStudio as a gift, then purchase RiyazStudio on CD-ROM with Registration Keycode

    Two computer Standard registration code
    + installation CD-ROM:
    US $54.90
    with a 30-day money back guarantee

    (The CD automatically installs the Standard version - and we've included
    the installation programs for other versions on the disc
    - should you wish to install these later)

Or you may prefer to purchase in person from a local dealer

Your unique Registration Keycode can licence up to two computers to use RiyazStudio. Each computer will need to connect to the web briefly the first time you play RiyazStudio tabla - to complete the licencing - but after this a web connection isn't required.

If you want to use RiyazStudio on more than two computers, additional computer licences can be added later to your registration keycode.

RiyazStudio runs on Windows PCs running Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10 - and also on IntelMacs and M1 Macs via Parallels Desktop
Copyright © 2006- RiyazStudio